‘Mind-ing your Business’ plumbs psyche for sales

Please join us on Tuesday, March 3, for a fascinating dive into sales psychology while enjoying a hearty meal at O’Connor’s Restaurant & Bar in Worcester.

Register for the event, titled “Mind-ing Your Business: The Psychological Secrets to Sales Success,” by clicking the button below.

Dr. Nancy Zare, a sales strategist and psychologist, has studied successful professionals and knows exactly how to acquire and keep customers. More importantly, she’ll pass that knowledge along to those who attend this event.

The Rapport Builderz founder runs a consulting service that converts prospects into clients without using traditional sales techniques.

With a Ph.D. in social work from Boston College, Nancy gets into the minds of buyers and tells you precisely what to say and the approach to take to build rapport quickly and authentically.

Did you know:

* Less than 2% of sales are made on the first contact.
* Almost half (48%) of professionals never follow up with their prospects even once!
* Only 12% follow up at least 3 times.
* Yet 80% of sales are made after the 7th contact.

What are you doing to turn those prospects into clients, and clients into raving fans?

How do you become a top producer? Set yourself apart from the competition through Appreciation Marketing.

Dr. Zare’s originally scheduled event in September was postponed, and we’re thrilled to have her back. We’re also pleased to revisit O’Connor’s Restaurant, which hosted our successful November event with data-protection specialist Cam Shilling.

Please attend this intriguing program that’s sure to expand your customer-retention strategies. We look forward to seeing you!